I just realized I didn’t fully explain why CBD is helpful if you have anxiety or paranoia and you want to feel better as soon as you can. CBD and THC bind to the same receptors in our bodies. Without going into the biochemistry, think about it this way for a moment. Both CBD and THC cannabis use the same receptors in our bodies. You have both CBD and THC in your body like cars in a parking lot. In a generic way, the parking lot has different types of cars which could fit into the same stall -at different times -and it’s not a big deal. The parking lot doesn’t care about what car or truck is in the stall, but you only have a certain number of parking stalls. CBD is competing for the parking stall. If you have a full lot, you can’t park more vehicles, so they drive around in our bodies through our veins and arteries looking for parking stalls . Receptors are the parking stalls. If both a car and a truck can occupy the stall, some stalls would have trucks and others have cars. The stalls are all taken, but since some have trucks and others have cars, you’ve reduced the amount of THC in stalls. You haven’t reduced amount of THC because you are out of stalls. Cars and trucks will both enter and exit the lot, so it’s still going to be a mix of CBD and THC. When the CBD wears off, hopefully you’ve had time for the THC to also wear off enough to feel better. If you don’t? Take more CBD. There’s lot of things shoved into my response so hopefully this will help someone who has no background in how cannabis works inside of our body. I’m a science geek, lol.