I was born Zoroastrian in Tehran, not a Zoroastrian mecca, although it certainly formed in the region. I was adopted, and raised in a mixed religious family. Catholic and Missouri Synod Lutheran. Both are rather... rigid in believe, and I was stuck in a perpetual tug of spiritual war. I felt like I didn't belong anywhere. I am now facing end of life. Three divorces, but I didn't cheat, abuse, or file. Who left who? I'm living with my partner. When I die, he shouldn't be bankrupt. No way would I marry him, especially when it's a piece of man-made paper to satisfy a man-made requirement.
P.S. if everyone followed the full Pauline principles? We'd be extinct because he believed in complete celibacy. Maybe we should enforce it for those who are Pauline Christians?
Dying is hard enough to make religion a factor? It's outright miserable.